What would be the basis of believing in miracles but that G*d does not intervene in our lives? Is not the Torah, is not Sinai, is not the halacos the way to bring his holiness into the world? Don't the avot know him, Didn't the first generation, each a prophet interact. All the prophets we accept as having spoken the word of the L*rd. Intervention.
Also, G*d intervened in my life. He took my chains away. He opened a way that I could approach him in the Torah. It is alive with history of a people always defined by their relationship to him.
Everyday he creates the world anew, every moment is his. Our free will is only nature not above it. His will is above it and when we perceive it it transforms us. Intervention. All the sages of Israel were filled with passion and awe. Our G*d is above nature but he is also in the flesh. He is also intervening so that goodness, right, and holiness fills the world.
I am saying he intervenes. Listen to the Psalms, constantly raising us out of the pit, constantly giving meaning to the creation.